Friday, October 23, 2020

Common computer programming mistakes that beginners make

So you have an interest in computer programming and want to make a successful career as a computer programmer. You have also enrolled yourself in computer programming classes in Manhattan to learn from the industry experts and start off on the right path.

Well, programming is so much more than just writing code. It’s about working smart and discovering effective ways to build feature-rich and fully-functional software solutions. Whether you are writing code to build a mobile app, a web app, or a software program, the programming principles remain the same.

When you are just a beginner, it is crucial to comprehend good and bad habits. There are many mistakes that beginners make when they first learn to code. Knowing these mistakes that beginners make can help you prevent them and build a better foundation for yourself. Here are some of these mistakes.

Trying to learn too many languages, technologies, and frameworks
Of course, when you are just beginning with your computer programming career, it’s confusing to choose one particular language, technology, or framework to learn. This is a common mistake that beginners make. They think they can learn everything at once and have an impressive resume ready in a couple of months. However, this is not going to benefit you at all. You cannot learn two or more languages or frameworks at once. It will only confuse you even more. Let’s fact it - programming is difficult. It requires constant effort and focus. Switching between two languages and their rules will not allow you to have command over even one language. Thus, choose a language that intrigues you the most and stick to it. When you enroll in computer programming languages, you can expect to focus on one language.

Self-doubt, comparison, and fear
When we are learning with a group of people, it’s common to compare ourselves with others. And programming is no exception. When you have a talented programmer in your computer programming classes who is great at solving problems and writing code too fast, you start doubting yourself and your skills. But don’t forget that every human being is different. While some are good learners, some take time to pick up the concept. This doesn’t mean you are no less than anyone.

Writing complicated or messy code
Writing code isn’t an aptitude test. It is not a challenge to check who knows the most complex function or impressive looking files. It’s about building a useful product with code that can be edited by any programmer. Thus, the code you write must not be messy and complicated. It should be simple that is easier to manage, and maintain if and when required.

Learning how to code is difficult for beginners. But if you know how to go about it, you can definitely become a good programmer in no time.